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Workshops for Individuals

Supporting Your Success


Let's have a look into the "how to" manual of our mind.
This workshop gives you the opportunity to learn how your mind works and even better, how you can make it work for you!

Image by Jeremy Bishop
Image by Joshua Brown

Stress Buster

Do you often hear "stress is not good for you"? But is it true? And if so, how much stress, which stress? Can you do something about it?


Are you tired of feeling doubt and fear sabotage your success? Want to feel naturally confident, powerful and at ease?

Reach the Top
Image by Caju Gomes


Do you feel that happiness is something you chase, that sounds easy to catch but always escapes?

Happiness is the key to longevity, health, productivity, creativity, name it, so isn't it time now to make it more present in your life?


How often do you tell yourself "this is too much for me, I cannot handle it"?

Do daily adversities such as last minute work assignments, having to drop the kids at different places at the same time, etc. feel like a constant battle to you?

Image by James Peacock

Navigating Change

Change is an integral part of our life, so why is it that we are often so scared to take action, so overwhelmed by it? Shouldn’t we be prepared for changes and life transitions? How can we?

In this workshop we will explore the concept of change, adult development & life transitions; the related emotions and the importance of the so called “negative emotions’’; the role of the subconscious mind when facing the unknown; the link between change – courage – growth and the concept of post - traumatic growth; The skills and actions that will help you to go through change as smoothly as possible.


Can you name your top five strengths?

Studies show that 2/3 of the people do not know what their strengths are. So, can it be that the majority of us go through life without expressing our true potential and being at our best?

When we put our strengths to work, we are happier, more confident, and more able to achieve our goals. We feel motivated to do great work and become engaged and productive individuals, teams, and organisations.

Let's explore together what your strengths are and unlock your potential!

Image by Glen Carrie
Image by Arthur Franklin


Did you know that you can learn how to be lucky?

Yes! Research shows that we hold the key to creating our own luck! It turns out luck is not a magical ability but a state of mind. 


There are four simple psychological principles that are scientifically proven to help you attract good fortune and live a happier and more satisfying life.

Won't you be curious to learn how to create your own luck?

Self-Care  Self-Compassion

As the ancients in Asia knew well, self-care is essentially about managing our energy wisely. So, what do we do to manage our energy wisely, and what happens when we don't?

Before we start exploring our energy-draining and energy-boosting strategies, let's step back and explore our self-knowledge and self-talk first. 

Maybe self-care starts already with the way we talk to ourselves. Do we judge and criticise ourselves, or do we show kindness and self-compassion?

Image by Debby Hudson

The workshops are designed in an interactive manner so that you can gain knowledge and insights while learning new skills.

I introduce a variety of daily activities to reinforce the outcome you seek. The skills you learn are applicable for a large variety of situations and will give you the confidence and independence to be your own mentor and master the situations, in which life puts you, resourcefully.


I offer workshops on a verity of topics and customise their content and duration according to your particular needs.

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